The summer is flying by. It’s already into the second week of August and I can’t believe how fast the last couple months have disappeared. Pretty soon it’ll be dark for early morning runs and we’ll have to dig out the headlamps. But before we get there, let’s enjoy the last few weeks of the warm, summer sunshine we have left. The Marine Corps Marathon will be here before I know it!
Last week was a tough week of training. I arrived home very late from Austin on Monday night and didn’t think I would get any miles in on Tuesday, and ended up having to pick up the slack later in the week. Here’s how week 6 of training went:
Marine Corps Marathon Training: Week 6
Tuesday — 3.01 miles
I wasn’t sure Tuesday was going to happen. I was up until about 3:00 am on Monday after I arrived home from Austin. I ended up meeting Eugenia for a couple miles, but by the time we decided to head out, it was already wicked hot. It took a lot for us to push through the 3 miles. Toward the end we stopped a couple times because the blazing sun was almost unbearable. And I love summer, so if I’m complaining you know it was bad!
In other news, I’m kicking butt with my push-ups. I’ve been working hard and I’m getting better at both form and quantity. Goal: break the plane.
Wednesday — 6.67 miles
Wednesday’s run was much better than Tuesday’s. I woke up early to head out before the sun was high in the sky. My goal was to hit 7 miles since I missed my mileage goal on Tuesday, but I was happy with just under 7 for the day.
Thursday — 6.7 miles
I had a fantastic run on Thursday, and again was aiming for 7 miles. Didn’t quite make it but I jammed out to some Grateful Dead on my journey and it was nothing short of perfection. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was a great day for a run.
Friday — yoga for runners
A long overdue yoga session was in order on Friday. It’s been forever and a day since I’ve done yoga, and since I promised myself I was going to get better about staying fit, I took advantage of my rest day and did some stretching. And let me just tell you something — it felt GREAT. I can’t believe I let so much time pass from the last time I did yoga. Never again!
Saturday — 14.05 miles
I ran 14 miles. And I survived. But this was a brutal run for me. Julie and I started and were commenting on how the cool breeze felt nice and how it wasn’t too warm. Wrong on so many levels.
First, without the “cool” breeze, we would have shriveled up and died. Second, it was far too warm for a run! Despite my best efforts to stay hydrated through the run, I was feeling the effects of dehydration pretty bad. My hands were sausagy. I had to loosen my watch several times. And the last two miles I must have stopped about eight times. It was rough going for me.
Julie felt fine and without her optimism, I would have thrown in the towel. At mile 13 we split up so I turned on some music, which helped a little. When I saw her waiting for me at 13.95 miles, I felt somewhat recharged and I picked up the pace a little. It’s amazing how much easier it is to be motivated when you see a friendly face cheering you on.
Of course after such a ridiculous run, we had to stop for breakfast. We had the usual — a breakfast sandwich, banana, coffee, and #ALLTHEWATER. By the end of breakfast my fingers returned to normal and my watch was so loose around my wrist it was flopping around.
Sunday — 3.12 miles + strength
Sunday was the last day of training with my 5K group. Their race is in one week! We ran just over 3 miles together and then did our bootcamp routine. I let them pick the exercises this week, and I was pleasantly surprised they chose some of my favorite exercises. It was fun. I’m going to miss our Sunday training sessions together!
Next weekend is the second annual Rock Hall Half Marathon and Rock City 5K. It should be loads of fun. I’m keeping an eye on the weather, and despite really needing the rain, I’m keeping my fingers crossed the rain stays away for the race.
This week will be more and more miles, and more and more hill sprints. It’s on!
What’s your favorite band or artist to listen to on the run?
Have your hands ever gotten so sausagy on a run it was hard to use them?
Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs for Tuesdays on the Run, and HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin’ for the Weekly Wrap. Also linking up with Nicole, Annmarie, Jen, and Michelle for Wild Workout Wednesday, and myself, Susie, Deborah, and Lora Marie for the Running Coaches’ Corner.