Welcome back to the May edition of the Running Coaches’ Corner linkup! Each week we link up to bring you the best of everything running. If you’re a coach, we’d love for you to link up with us to share your knowledge with the world. And if you’re a runner, we’d love it if you’d share your running experiences with us! This month we’re talkin’ Summer Runnin’.
No, no. I said summer running. Not lovin’.
Also, let’s recognize that yes, today is May 4th. So here’s this:
How many more times will you see that today (or already have)? You’re welcome.
Getting back to Summer Runnin’… we chose this topic for the month of May because pretty soon (hopefully soon) it will be hot and sunny in the northern hemisphere.
Today I’m going to start light and easy with some easy tips to keep you healthy and happy through your summer running escapades. And if you’re looking for more tips, check out this post!
Tips for Successful Summer Running
1. Drink plenty of water. I feel like I talk a lot about hydration. Which probably means it’s a pretty big deal. Staying hydrated is paramount to your success and comfort during a run, but particularly during the summer months when you’re likely to experience a lot more fluid loss during physical activity.
Start each session fully hydrated, continue drinking throughout your run, and be sure to rehydrate as soon as you’re finished. It’s helpful to carry a full water bottle with you throughout the day to ensure you’re getting enough fluids.
2. Run first thing in the morning before it gets too warm. I know there are plenty of evening runners so this is may be a hard pill to swallow for some of you. But the morning is much cooler than the evening, despite best intentions. Even if you wait until the sun goes down and you run in the dark of the evening, the earth, asphalt, concrete, steel — whatever you’re running on — has been in the sun for the entire day, absorbing all the heat and reflecting it back. If you’re truly trying to avoid the heat, it’s best to run first thing in the morning after all the outside surfaces have had a chance to cool off in the overnight hours and before the sun is beating down.
Now if you live in an already hot environment (Florida, Arizona, etc.) then this is completely useless advice. Additionally useless if it’s overcast or a cool summer. But if it’s hot like it has been in years past, heed my advice! Trust me — you’ll have a cooler happier run.
3. Wear light, loose-fitting clothing. With the rise of the mercury, it seems we shed layers with major enthusiasm. Off come the jackets, off come the gloves, off come the fleece-lined running tights. Instead, we don tanks, singlets, shorty shorts, and little else. One thing that will keep you cooler than all that, though, is wearing loose and light clothing. On super hot days, instead of wearing compression shorts and a tight singlet, opt for the baggier/lighter running shorts and a flowy tank. These will help with airflow and sweat-loss. Plus you’ll be a lot more comfortable if it’s a scorcher!
4. Hit the trails. What better time to run trails than during the hot summer months? Depending on where you live, the canopy cover provides much needed shade, not to mention it usually doesn’t get quite as hot in the woods than it does in an open field or on the road. Plus with all the trees, grasses, and wildflowers in bloom, the trails are a beautiful place to explore in summer. Just be sure to watch your footing and steer clear of big rocks and roots.
5. Don’t forget your sunblock! There were a few days two weeks ago when it was warm and sunny. I was so excited about it that I left all my good decision-making at the door when I went out for my runs. I didn’t sunblock once (granted it was only two days of sunshine, but still!) and yes, I got some color, but it was a bad decision. Never run without sunblock, guys. We’re out for one, two, sometimes three hours at a time. Granted we’re not sitting out on a lawn chair baking in the sun while slathering on tanning oil, but it’s not like we’re only running in the shade either. Protect your skin and your body, and don’t forget the SPF.
Follow my tips and you’ll have an enjoyable summer full of running and training!
Morning or evening?
Trail or road?
Summer or winter?

Also linking up with Nicole, Annmarie, Angelena Marie, and Michelle for Wild Workout Wednesday!