HAPPY THURSDAY! Today is March 24th. This day is special for so many reasons. First, I have a lot of friends that have birthdays today (thank you, Facebook). Second, it’s the opening day of the Marine Corps Marathon lottery! And third, and most importantly, it’s my mama’s birthday!!
Happy birthday, Mom! You’re the best!! 🙂
Thursday also brings the Running Coaches’ Corner linkup. This week, in honor of March Madness and the MCM lottery, let’s talk LOTTO LUNACY. (It’s a real thing, mmkay?)
If you’re a runner, you’ve seen it before — friend enters such-and-such lottery and prays (even though she’s not religious) for a week before finding out if she’s in or if she’s out.
If she’s in, it’s all unicorns and rainbows and happy things.
If she’s out, it’s a profound sadness, replete with tears and ugly crying.
If you’ve recently entered a race lottery, or perhaps you’re entering one today, how do you keep it together while you patiently await the news?
Keeping the Lunacy at Bay
Race Lottery Lunacy. It’s a real thing. Like FOMO. The anxiety is enough to drive some people batty. My clients have never entered a race lottery, while they were my clients at least, so I haven’t had to steer them in the direction of peace and serenity. But I have had to coax my friends back to reality, piece by piece. And trust me, it’s no easy feat.
So as a coach and fellow runner, I say to you: focus on the runs you can do right now. Don’t even think about the “what ifs.” What if I get in?! What if I don’t get in? Will I have enough time to train? What if I’m training and it’s all for nothing?
Take some deep breaths. Chillllllllllllll. RELAX.
Training for a Race You’re Not In Yet
This one I have personal experience with. Let’s say your race lottery entry is for your pie-in-the-sky bucket list race. You definitely want to be in tip-top shape. But on the other hand, you don’t want to count your chickens before they hatch, amiright? In this case it’s best to choose three races around the same time of year and, if possible, similar in terrain and elevation. We’ll call these the ‘A’ race, ‘B’ race, and ‘C’ race. The ‘A’ race is obviously the one you really, really want to do but either you have to enter a lottery to run it or maybe it’s a little pricey so you’re not sure if you can swing it. The ‘B’ race would be the race you’d be happy with racing if you don’t get in to the ‘A’ race. And the ‘C’ race is just there in case ‘A’ or ‘B’ fall through for some reason.
In choosing several races, you’ll be able to focus and train without getting sidetracked by the “what ifs.” You’ll be able to keep your eyes on the prize, even if the prize is slightly different for any of the three races you’ve chosen.
Help! I’m Still a Lotto Lunatic!
There comes a time when you just can’t keep it together when it comes to racing. And that’s okay. But that’s when it’s time to call in the professionals. Maybe you’re having a hard time choosing a race based on your geographic location or physical abilities. Maybe your nerves are making it hard for you to train. Maybe even self doubt is settling in (which no one has time for!). If any of these sound like you, it doesn’t hurt to hire a running coach. There are a million and one reasons to hire a coach, one of them being a coach can guide you, and if they’re a good coach, can keep your head level.
By and large, we all get through our race lottery lunacy. One way or another. The best thing we can do is to enjoy the ride. GOOD LUCK to all of you entering the MCM lottery today. May the odds be ever in your favor!
Have YOU ever entered a race lottery? Which one?
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a runner entering a lotto with bated breath?