It’s been a rough last few days as far as runs are concerned. Saturday was supposed to be 3 miles but I really wasn’t feeling it, and cut it to 2.5 miles. Not a complete loss but not an accomplishment either. I had an eight miler scheduled for Sunday and it was a flop. I ran with my [much faster] friend. Ordinarily I can keep up with her but it has been a while since we ran long together. It was definitely a struggle. Add in the humidity and I was literally having to stop every mile. I was happy when it was over and I felt good, but I wasn’t pleased with how it went at all.
This morning I ran another 4 miles with the same friend and had plans to redeem myself and what happened? I got a side stitch! It didn’t let up for the entire run. I originally blamed it on drinking water pre-run but after I split off from her and was running solo, my cramp subsided. It makes me wonder if it was caused by talking. Not sure on that one. But it wasn’t very fun and I’m disappointed I had another unfavorable run. Gah. Tomorrow is track day so hopefully I will have a better one tomorrow. Maybe I’m just having an off week.
Today I went to the dentist, and rather enjoyed the silence while I was waiting. I’m not entirely sure what was going on here, but it seemed there was some sort of lighting issue. Either way, much quieter than at home. Those kids are exhausting.
What’s next for the day? If the weather holds up, maybe we will hit up the pool for one last time this summer. That’s right, folks. Fall is coming. There were leaves on the ground this morning and the tree across the street is changing colors. Not. Happy. I love summer! I think I may literally grieve when it’s officially over.
Speaking of fall, a bunch of friends and I are doing the inaugural Bernie Shuffle in CLE. It’s not until November but it should be nice and ridiculous. There will be lots of photos to come. I normally don’t partake in these types of novelty runs because they’re usually a bit pricey, but my husband a) loves football, and b) actually wants to do it, too, so I kind of have to.
What’s up in your world today? Are you excited for fall and football season, or are you a summer person like me? Have you had consecutive less-than-ideal runs or workouts? How did you redeem yourself?