Wow, it has been a WHILE since we’ve talked. In case you hadn’t figured it out, I was traveling all of last week. Thankfully I had an amazing arsenal of virtual friends who were able to keep my blog alive while I was unable to attend to it! Thank you again to all of my awesome guest bloggers from last week. Even though I couldn’t post myself, I did get to enjoy all of their posts. 🙂
Tell me how you’ve been! What have you been up to? Are you a mama? How did you celebrate Mother’s Day?
We got back from our trip on Saturday, and came home to a bare kitchen. (We purged before we left so we didn’t come home to rotting food…). We were all so tired we just wanted to take it easy for the evening. I did a couple of loads of laundry but that was it.
On Sunday was when the real fun started! I woke up bright and early (5:40 am to be exact) and went on a 12-mile run with two of my awesome running friends. It was a less than ideal run for me. I couldn’t keep my head in the game, and I had to stop and walk much more than I would have liked. I attribute it to not properly hydrating the day before (but really, who wants to stop to pee every hour on the road? Not me!), as well as not sleeping well the night before — or the night before that either. No excuses, though. It just wasn’t the greatest run. But I did it with friends, and that’s what matters!
After our run, I got home and took my little Boo to our first 1-mile race together! It was super fun. He got his first bib and race t-shirt. This little man can run FAST! Granted he would sprint, and then need to walk, and then started sprinting again. But when he was sprinting it was almost hard to keep up! After our race we came home to pick up Daddy Dad and Little Bee, and headed to First Watch for brunch. Mmmmmm…. After lunch we came home, I showered for an hour, and then I spent the remainder of the day reading. It was glorious. Daddy Dad took Boo to the grocery so we could restock our pantry and refrigerator, and Little Bee took a nap. It was a great Mother’s Day. 🙂
Mother’s Day run! First race together!
This morning was yoga day, I stretched it out, and now I’m exhausted. Is it bed time yet?
Momentary panic: Less than a week until my first half marathon… eek!
Today’s recipe comes from one of my guest blogger friends, Farrah. It looks phenomenal. Thanks for sharing it, Farrah!
Raspberry Coconut Cream Frosting

3 cups raspberries
3 tsp arrowroot powder*
1 tbsp water
1 can coconut cream
1/2 cup sugar
Blend the raspberries and coconut cream together and heat it in a pot with the sugar, mixing periodically. Combine the arrowroot powder and water together to form a paste (it’ll take on an almost yogurt-like consistency). Whisk the paste into the raspberry coconut mixture and briefly bring to a boil. Let cool and use it as frosting for cakes, cupcakes, pancakes, waffles…(etc.).
*If you don’t have arrowroot powder, cornstarch will work too! It’s just there to help thicken it.
P.S. Here’s where you can follow Farrah!
How was your week last week?
How did you celebrate Mother’s Day? If you’re not a mom, did you celebrate with a special mom in your world?
dotherace.comeasy recipehalf marathonmother's dayone mile raceraceraspberry coconut cream frostingrecipethe racevegan