I had an entirely different idea of what I would blog about today, but then I realized I wanted to blog about something else. The first idea was about running. As much as I love running, I think I need to take a mind-break from it and express some other emotions and goings on in my life.
My boy has been home with me for the last two and a half weeks. Two weeks were planned winter break weeks. The half week (or just the last two days) were a result of the Arctic Freeze much of the country had the pleasure of experiencing.
This morning as I was helping to get my son ready for school, I was telling him to behave, play nicely, listen to his teachers, yadda yadda yadda. And then I gave him a big hug and told him how much I was going to miss him. And truthfully? I do miss him. A lot. A lot more than I was expecting.
These last two and a half crazy weeks have been fun, stressful, laid back, cold, sunny, cloudy, and everything in between. We celebrated Christmas, we baked, we rung in the New Year with a family tradition of fondue and fancy dessert, and enjoyed New Year’s Day with mimosas (virgin for Boo) and scones.
Little Bee, Boo and I went to the Natural History Museum during a blizzard. One of the best parenting choices I have made thus far. (Insert dripping sarcasm here.) Little Bee napped at her leisure. Boo and I watched movies. We did crafts. We played in the snow.
You see, we actually had a ton of fun together. Sure, Boo got into trouble and shed some tears here and there. I probably said a few too many curse words when I was frustrated. But all in all, we had a great time. I miss him so much today.
Little Bee went down for a nap, and it was all of a sudden eerily quiet in the house. I took a shower in peace, but when I was all finished, I didn’t know what to do. There was no one running around growling like a monster. No one building a house out of Lincoln Logs. No one to do the Spider-Man Butt Dance with (don’t ask).
All of these silly little things that I thought were annoying or obnoxious were actually magnificent moments in my life. We built some great memories, and had some wonderful experiences together over the last two and a half weeks. I’m glad my little man is back at school, having fun with his friends, but I sure do miss him today.