I love my son, but for the love of god, HE NEVER STOPS TALKING!!!!!
He’s about to turn four, naps have gone out the window since he started preschool last fall so I rarely had a moment of peace before. I have tried to instill the need of “rest time” upon him, and for the most part he does abide by the rules, but the rest of the time he is in and out of his room asking, “is rest time over yet?”
Literally, the only time this kid shuts up is when he’s asleep. And I’m sure he’s still talking then but thankfully if he is, he is quiet enough and in another room with the door closed, and I can’t hear him.
Even if he’s playing airplanes by himself, or building a fort for his cars, he is narrating exactly what he’s doing, what his airplanes or cars or doing, and constantly asking questions.
“Astroid, about to hit Mack…”
“Should I knock down the fort so the cars can’t get in?”
“Why? Why? Why? Why?”
Peace of my lord… someone save me!
I love this guy’s imagination and I love that he is so interested in the way things work, how things work and why things are the way they are, but sometimes a mom just needs a break. Maybe now is the time to rekindle the ol’ cigarette habit so I can at least go outside for a five minute smoke break.
Is this why some moms start drinking before noon?
When baby girl made her debut, a friend came over to see her and was saying how much she loves babies because they don’t talk, they don’t scream, etc. I thought she was crazy. I loved talking with Boo because we could finally play together and communicate and have fun. But now, after having Boo and Little Bee, I can see what she’s talking about. Little Bee just smiles and gurgles. And cries occasionally. But Boo… man, it’s like diarrhea of the mouth for 14 hours of the day! And that’s minimum.
Thankfully a touch of sleep has returned to our house, so that makes life with two a little more bearable. Last night was a bit atrocious but we’ll have those, I suppose. Truly, though, the chatter and the noise are driving me berserk.
I’m ready to put an ad in the paper. It will read something like this:
4 year old for sale. Any takers? Please? Mama needs a break. In fact, I will pay you to take him. Even if it’s just for a day or two.
I doubt I’ll get any response…
It just occurred to me that this post probably makes no sense whatsoever. Why? Because my office is in the same room as his playroom. And guess who has been talking NON-STOP?