If you make sure you’re connected
The writing’s on the wall
But if your mind’s neglected
Stumble you might fall
~Stereo MCs
I’ve been off the grid for a while, I know.
There are some days that I really enjoy being “connected” and other days that I’d rather just leave my phone off. The days that I’m lonely and the sky is gray, I love being able to talk to friends and family. Whether it be by text message, Blackberry messenger, email or voice, it’s a great convenience to have a conversation at your fingertips. And the days that I’m superbly excited with a lot of energy to burn — those are great days to have friends “nearby” as well.
But then there are the days that I just don’t want to talk to anyone. I don’t want to hear the ba-ding on my phone for a text message, I don’t want to hear the ringer one more time, and I certainly am not in the mood for a chat.
On Friday my husband and I were driving to Port Clinton for his cousin’s wedding. It was going to be great (aside from passing our exit and running 40 minutes late to the ceremony due to construction traffic). But my damn phone kept beeping and ba-dinging! The last thing I wanted to do was to read a message from “work” or to hear about so-and-so’s daughter peeing on the potty.
Ugh. I have such a love-hate relationship with my Blackberry. I love being connected. I hate being reachable. What a double standard!
Technology as a whole has not been my friend either, as of late. I’m sure that’s part of the reason I would like to step on my phone and drop-kick my mouse. You see, my MacBook Pro has taken a shit on itself. It died, was fixed momentarily, and is now dead again. I’m so upset. There are hundreds of photos on it from the last two years, confidential business information, all of my playgroup materials, not to mention countless recipes and blog entries. I felt like a little piece of me died with it. We’re hoping to get it fixed, and thankfully it was backed up just before it went kaput for the second time around, but it’s not the same.
My life is not the same on a PC.
The keyboard sucks, the mouse sucks, the overall navigation of the OS sucks. I miss my Mac.
And you know, while I’m complaining about technology, I should mention that the new Facebook is absurd. I’m sorry. It’s awful. What happened to my newsfeed? Why can’t I filter like I could before? And most importantly, I would appreciate it if all of the little pop-ups telling me about a new feature or with information on how to use said feature, would go away. They are bogging down my Facebook experience and to be perfectly honest, I don’t have time to read all of the “new” and “updated look” boxes. I have a toddler, who may or may not take a nap, so I would appreciate it if the good people (?) at Facebook would just get to the point.
There was a time I really loved being connected. Maybe I’m just getting too old for this shit. I love my friends and family and I love looking at pictures on Facebook, but my phone is too small, my PC is too old and my patience is wearing thin.
Blackberry? I need a break. PC? I need a Mac. Facebook? I’m switching to Google+.
Catch you on the flip.