Today is a new day. It’s almost 8:00 pm. But I’ve made my decision. I am beginning my own happiness project. I don’t know much about what I’m going to do or exactly how it works, but a friend of mine told me about it. Check it out here.
I’ve been going through a rough patch with anxiety, panic attacks and minor depression. I am looking for any and all help to get through this. I found the website, and I’m hooked. Already bought the book from Amazon. I’m so excited to turn the page to this dark time in my life. It’s been miserable, albeit (thank god) brief, and I don’t want to look back.
I went to my primary care doc last week and she, of course, prescribed me an antidepressant and another drug for panic attacks. I’m glad she did. I was ready to make a change. But when it came time to take my antidepressant that night, I started freaking out. And not just a little bit of nerves. Major panic. I don’t trust that stuff. I don’t know what it’s doing to me. And the side effects are ridiculous. I just can’t do it. I tried another night to take it again, and the same thing happened. It’s just not for me.
I’ve done my fair share of crying, too. Sometimes for no reason at all. And sometimes it’s been because I’ve been so overly happy about something that I have no other way to express my emotions. I received the sweetest email from my uncle recounting the story of gift-giving among my cousin and her husband, and I just bawled. I totally lost it. It was the sweetest story I had heard in so long and I couldn’t figure out any other way to express myself! Oy!
I am a mess. And I’m perfectly fine telling the whole world about it. I have found, in the last couple of weeks, that the more people I talk to about my anxiety and panic, the more I find are in the same boat as me! How can it be that virtually every person in my life has some sort of anxiety or panic issue? It’s incredible.
In fact, speaking to other people enables you to realize how many different approaches there are to managing your mental health. For example, one of my friends has found that using cannabis has helped her to relax and unwind during particularly stressful times in her life. She told me that she prefers to use a dab rig, which is a special type of glass pipe, to get her cannabis fix. You can learn more about dab rigs here:
I suppose the point I am trying to make is that speaking to others helps you to learn about new ways of coping while also providing an opportunity to share your own thoughts and feelings about your health and wellness in a safe environment.
Anyway I can’t wait to start my happiness project tomorrow. I’ve already written fun activities for me to do when I’m sad on post-it notes and posted them on my computer monitor. I’m starting with the most obvious — smile more. That one I found here. I’ve been practicing smiling more for two days and so far, so good! Can’t wait to practice next week’s activity.
I’m open to more suggestions to alleviate anxiety, panic attacks and other negative thoughts and feelings. If you have any tips, please let me know.
Peace be with you. 🙂