Did you hear the news? Early spring for all!!! That’s right, friends. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on Groundhog Day. (and the crowd goes wild…)
I couldn’t be more thrilled with this news. With all the running I need to make up for missing these last few weeks, I’m ready to get outside and be with nature. Thank you, Phil.
This post is sponsored by The Original Worm.
So speaking of nature (kind of) and running, I’ve got an exciting review today. A fellow ambassador of mine is the creator of a wonderful ergogenic aid called The Original Worm and asked if I wouldn’t mind reviewing her product. Of course I said yes.
The Worm is pretty cool and I’ll tell you why. But first let’s chat about some basics. Most runners have the following items on hand at all times:
- a foam roller
- the Stick
- a golf ball
- a freezer-ready plastic water bottle
Foam roller for myofascial release, the Stick to get one step further into self-massage, a golf ball and freezer-ready bottle to roll out and release painful plantar fasciitis. Can we all agree on that?
The Worm pretty much eliminates the need for all four of those items. It’s fashioned of a neoprene sleeve and four solid rubber balls. It’s small. It’s only 9.5″ long end to end. Of course there’s definitely a time and place for all of the above-mentioned items. But riddle me this: let’s say you’re a marathoner and you also travel for work (sound familiar to anyone?). When you travel (possibly weekly) from ATL to PHX, are you going to lug your foam roller, Stick, golf ball, and water bottle with you? Will you even have a freezer available to you while you’re traveling? If you answered no to either of those questions or if you shudder at the possibility of traveling with all that extra gear, now you know why The Original Worm is for you. It’s small, it comes with a nice travel bag, and it’s perfect for trigger point release — think stiff neck and legs after a long flight.
“The Original Worm is the multi-tasking body roller. It provides
trigger point release to combat stiffness, pain and stress in muscles and
joints. It is also a very effective recovery aid.”
I don’t travel. And I know a lot of you don’t, either. But what about at work? Doesn’t your back sometimes hurt sitting at a desk all day? Or what if you work in retail and you’re always on your feet?
I’ve used my Worm in place of my foam roller and baseball for my IT band and tensor fasciae latae. I’ve also used it in place of a golf ball on the bottoms of my feet to stave off potential flare-ups of plantar fasciitis. There are many, many uses of The Original Worm and as a runner, a running coach, and a fellow human, I encourage you to look into purchasing one for yourself.
I’ve encouraged my husband to start using it as well. He’s not a runner but he suffers from a rotator cuff injury and our little Worm-friend helps loosen up tight muscles.
The Worm comes in two colors — pink and black — as well as two different sizes. If you’re considering adding the Worm to your life, check the website to decide which size is best for you.
Bottom line — would I recommend The Original Worm to friends and family? And clients? Yes, yes, and yes. It’s effective and convenient, and perfect for athletes (and humans) of all walks of life.
And… great news! My friend is sharing a discount with Running on Happy readers! Use code WORM15 at check out for 15% off. (US residents only. Sorry, Canadian friends!)
I’ve really enjoyed my Worm and I highly encourage you to pick one up of your own. You’ll thank me later!
Do you Worm?
How many of these items do you own and use: foam roller, Stick, golf ball, freezer-ready water bottle?